L I F E S T Y L E ¦ Lack of direction, how to tackle this..

Now, im no expert at dishing out advice. This is just a post to explain some views and suggestions regarding this topic.
In my understanding, most people struggle with this issue, not knowing where they fit in, not knowing what path to go down what job to find. So many thoughts just explode in your mind and it can lead to feeling lost, alone.

I've certainly felt this way and still do. It's a feeling that never truly disappears.

I initially put off going to university thinking "this isn't for me" etc, but i knew i just couldnt sit around. A lot of pressure is put on you to find work if your parents or family think you are just sitting around on your bottom all day. People may think you're lazy but although in some cases that's often true..in others its just this feeling of having no direction that kind of creeps over you 24/7.

I didnt want this feeling looming over me so i applied to college straight away and took a foundation course in Art and Design there. I knew i wanted to do something creative and this course allowed me to try out a range of different mediums and to find a medium i knew i wanted to specialise in.
  My parents have always been supportive of me so im very lucky. That doesn't always happen with some people. There is a huge lack of support for pursuing an interest you are passionate for, but you just have to be strong, regardless of the pressure, Don't give in, use it as a strength to really pursue your goals.

I applied to university all by myself, no help from the rents applying for loans etc it was only when it came to moving into halls when they said how proud they were. I admit im surprised i applied myself! but im glad i did. It was the best experience and i met the most amazing people.I just struggled with my course.
   I took Illustration, but i just hated all the work i did. I just wasn't happy. I was lucky enough to be chosen to exhibit at some fancy business centre and my work went into the library..(woohoo..) for a short time, then was thrown hah but nothing came of that. I still have this struggle today. I love drawing/painting etc but im not happy with what i create and i dont know what format to push my work in and i don't think i even want to pursue it as a career.

I think you need to find out what interests you and pursue that list you come up with, sampling each subject/ idea and finding the best one for you that you enjoy and that you could potentially make a career out of.

What im saying may differ slightly if you arent a creative etc but still runs along similar lines.

Once you have your list of interests this can then be the beginning of your life plan. Find work experience in your roles, practice at home, enroll in college or further education. There are a lot of funding, scholarships out there! and don;t be afraid of the cost..this is peoples biggest worry.

You see uni fees are like OH GOD D;, yes they do seem like a lot but it's all manageable. Student loans have the lowest interest rate if any at all! you have the options of a student account with an agreed overdraft so you can set an amount thats realistic to you.

You also have the student loan which pays for your rent/food (sometimes its not enough, you can claim more)

a maintenance loan from the uni (which you dont have to pay back! wahey!)and then your tuition fees of 3+ grand per year.

The loans and tuition fees are only paid back if you earn over 15 grand a year..now when you come out of uni, its likely you wont be making that much..YET. If you do get a job that earns over that bracket, you pay back tiny amounts which are auto-deducted from your wages! so please don't stress! Also most unis have finance offices to speak with about worrys and they will help you out and give advice!

so be worry free about debts!

I think university is a great way to find yourself!

But after you graduate/leave a lot of students fall into depression due to being jobless etc. A few of my friends were put on anti-depressants. They were so down, so lost but you have to PICK yourself up. There's no way to sugarcoat this lol. Having a close-knit friend group is also essential. You can support and encourage each other.

I got a job in my 2nd year and i went full-time when i graduated. Im still there today but my role has changed to visual merchandiser. But this is not what i want to do. I want to do creative direction in projects etc and im now job hunting again to pursue my true passion. I have to have a positive outlook even if i don't enjoy what im doing because i tell myself i will find something better, i won't just sit down and get 'comfortable'. Life is too short for this folks, it really is.

Even if you have been to uni already or work full time now, you may feel like you can't pursue your true dream because you have bills to play etc or don't have the qualifications but there are so many home learning courses and online lecturing programs which are all flexible! tailored to you. So don't be afraid to take that step! :)

DON'T give up your dreams. It's normal to feel lost but don't let that steer you off what you want to do. Aslong as you work hard for whatever you want to do and feel confident, you will be amazing.

Keep yourself inspired, keep in contact regularly with your mates, keep going for those jobs, the worse they can say is no. Move on to the next and just relax, be free, and have fun! Processes in life take time, can take years even.

Just keep venturing on!

stay true to yourselves guys,

Good Luck!


Dan x
